Category Archives: Uncategorized

United States CPA Exam Now Open to Residents of India

With Chartered Accountants and other accounting professionals around the world interested in international reciprocal CPA licensing or primary CPA licensure in the United States, there is a great number of non-US citizens that take the Uniform CPA Exam every year. …

AICPA Proposes Changes to CPA Exam

In order to keep the exam relevant with the profession, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has proposed changes to the exam. The changes would not take place until 2017, but the AICPA is currently seeking comments on the …

Helpful Tips for Handling CPA Depositions

When a CPA becomes a defendant in a malpractice lawsuit they must understand and navigate the intricacies of the deposition process. Basically, depositions are an opportunity for the plaintiff’s attorney to ask questions of CPA defendants before trial. All video …